020 3161 0238
Contact us
Find our cosmetic dentist in South London
Infinity Dental Care
237 Brixton Hill
Tel: 020 3161 0238
Get in touch today
To contact us online, please use the form at the bottom of this page, ensuring that you are using a valid email address and that all fields are complete before submission.
Opening Hours
Monday: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Friday: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Weekends: Closed
Private morning, evening and weekend appointments are available by prior arrangement.
Public transport
- Located on the border of Streatham Hill and Brixton Hill, less the 10 minutes’ walk from Streatham Hill station.
- Our nearest underground station is Brixton on the Victoria Line.
- Our nearest overground rail station is Streatham Hill.
- The following buses pass by our practice: 45, 59, 109, 118, 133, 159, 250, 319, 333, 417
Late Cancellations and Missed Appointments
All patients (NHS and Private) are requested to give us at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment so that it may be offered to someone else. Private patients will incur a failure to attend or late cancellation fee.
NHS patients who have two failed to attend or two late cancellation appointments (or a mixture of both) within a year will not be offered another appointment.
New NHS patients who miss their first appointment will unfortunately not be offered another one.
Disabled access
There is full disabled access to our dental practice, which is on the ground floor, with a level entrance at the main door. We also have an accessible toilet with baby change facility. For deaf and hard of hearing patients we provide induction loop equipment.